Some people called it Holland, but no matter how you called it Holland or Netherlands, it refers to the country with beauties of Canals, fine architecture, nice people, nice food and drinks and the Red Light show.

How To Go to Netherlands
My route is from Paris, after the 36 hours stay in Paris with a Thaly’s Train, from Gare Du Nord to Amsterdam. My destination is ARENA, in Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena.
One of the best moment in Gare Du Nord Metro Station while waiting the time to go to Amsterdam is the scene that I only watched in the movies – now its real-world and heart-touching.

I don’t trust my Smartphone, even though it super smart but when its out of batteries – its game over.

Bijlmer Arena
There are 2 famous here, the Holiday Inn and the Stadium – Arena Stadium, one of the biggest Stadium for football (Soccer). Going there is an adventure with the Map, sounds like the same thing I experienced in China. In China, I cannot read the writing, in Netherlands, I can read but the pronunciation is entirely different from English, wow!

taken from Holiday Inn Hotel from my room Biljmer sounds like “BALMER”
Dam Good Coffee
One of the best in Amsterdam are the people, they are friendly, nice and accommodating, here is one guy at the Dam Good Coffee at the heart of Amsterdam, he’s telling me that he has been to the Philippines in Boracay and Palawan.

Just sit down and relax, forget about the work (The R&D Job, Quality Job, Manufacturing) ………. but, there is one thing that it stays in my mind, finish my personal project called AATED, my dedicated project to my fellow Maker / DIYer’s who are using Arduino — basically my tutorial to use Arduino Solution in-real-life project in automation and testing.

Canal Tour
They say, if you won’t stepped into the Great Wall of China, you never go to China – same as in the Netherlands, you never go if you don’t Tour on the Canal, its also the best route to see the beauty of the city, surrounding and stunning Architecture which actually being copied in China ( like the Dutch Flower Town in Bao An Shenzhen, China).

The Red Light Show
Don’t missed it!

Bike & Bicycle
I was told that China is the kingdom of Bike and with the Mobike shared bicycle, but I have not see like this in China, surprisingly I’ve seen in Amsterdam, these are traditional bicycle (not made in China). I have noticed that there was a dedicated lane for the bike in Amsterdam and you cannot walk, otherwise the biker will shout at you to stay off the lane, is dangerous! There was also a shared bike like the Mobike in China.

it seem that, bike is not allowed in the Metro, the sign on the metro door shows it .

Work Without Boundaries
With e-commerce, you can work any time, anyplace …… as long as you are connected to the internet. Wait! I got order to fulfilled!

myElectronics Stuff
Throughout the journey, my electronics stuff with me inside my bag — which one security officer question me about it. I am glad, my English is good enough to explain. during this time, I am making the video for my Project called AATED – an acronym for the Arduino Automatic Test Equipment for the DR100W concePT project and I need to bring some hardware for me to finish it.
A 36 hours in Paris and jumped to the Nederland for 72 hours was awesome, quick travel to Europe, it is short but its one of the best with best partner. I’ve been here four (4) times during the time I am working with SAGEM (Paris) and KPN (Holland) . How I wish to have more time to visit Belgium and other landmark on the way. See you Next Europe Travel.

the tag-team partner aims to travel the world and inspires everyone to Live Life to the Fullest above head-breaking and busy jobs. Subscribe to my D Stuffs youtube channel for more DIY Travel around the world (including electronics hardware & software tutorial).