Welcome to MTP Project, an Equipment discoveries in Electronics  for Measuring, Testing and Programming for Learning, Education, DIYe’rs,  Technicians and into a more depth use in Research and Development.  

my home working room, its a meshy but believe me, this room is functioning well

My interest is to be used in my favorite hobbies – the DIY audio  Amplifier build and Micro Controller,  I would like to include RF but… let’s forget it now.

HP8903B Audio Analyzer

The best Audio Equipment so far I discovered, I would say, I have been using in manufacturing involving audio testing.   I acquired this because of its very low distortion sinewave, unparallel and uncomparable with other AWG (Arbitrary Waveform Generator)

MAK-6571C Meguro Automatic Distortion Meter

The Meguro Distortion Meter is very important instrument when dealing with Distortion, I mean a meaningful distortion reading, like 0.002%