SAMuC stands for Smart Amplifier Manager, the uC means Micro Controller using the Intel 8051 core. This is a project by 1diyTeam of Baguio City the Philippines.

My favorite hobby is DIY Amplifier Build, and I wanted to makes use of an intelligent processor to manage it, so here it is, its use in the DIY hobby and also in the DIY Learning/Education :
A) Use in DIY AMPLIFIER build
- manage the Power on/off, power management
- protect the speaker from dangerous offset voltage
- Delay and power up and power down sequence with perfect timing
- kill the noise like POP or oscillation in the speaker
- on-the board Fan driver
- on the board temperature sensor for auto-fan activation
- platform to learn simple hardware , Audio Hardware Starter (AHS)
- platform to learn simple MCU software programming, Software Programming Starter (SPS)
- learn the most popular MCU in the world, Intel 8051 core
- learn MCU programming by simulation on PC
- learn to burn HEX code into the MCU ROM
- Logic level programming of I/O control pins
- Man Machine Interface (MMI) design
- Generate perfect timer, real time clock in MCU
- modular board integration,
- hardware and software integration
- test & verification
- reliability & qualification
- learn at your own free or designated time
- self-fulfilling, a masterpiece of your own
- Option (1) Simple candidate for IoT (Internet of Things) using a form of gateway (2) To control remotely using RF (or Smart Phone)
if you look at the number of the DIY EDUCATION steps, it is more of a Target hardware that actually use in DIY amplifier build.
SAMuC Sneak Video Demo
Here is my video Introduction of the SAMuC, you should have a good Internet connection to watch the video from YouTube – SAMuC Sneak Demo Video, on DR100W conCEPT Power Amplifier Project.
Design Philosophy:
The design is based on personal preference of integrating an intelligent controller (8051 micro) to the favorite hobby – to do a better diy hobby than the other normal traditional one and keep improving the hobby toward a self fulfilling hobby.
The design philosophy is based on (1) 1deBB idea of Stackable modular boards, (2) CALASS {Collaborate – Avail – Lean – Access – Share – Support }, (3) EAFF {Easy – Affordable Fast to learn and Fun to learn } and finally (4) sharewar & Courseware.
The SAMuC 8051 is the brain of the system which handle the whole operation (except for the sound quality). Why not including the sound? DIY hobby is quiet demanding as many do not like to have any stray of digital into their audio equipment – to them, digital means “noise”. Some Audiophiler & Purist prefer a Pure Analog processing into their audio equipment.
The hardware design was based on 1diy idea of TOWERING Module, some says stocking of modules – that small, small PCB and stock them into a tower-like in a vertical manner. SAMuC offer 2 modules to be stock up :
- MCU and SPKR Protect board
- PSU & Relay Board
Making these 2 small modules to be re-usable as intended.

Block Diagram Description :
The conceptual block diagram is shown below – downloaded from my brain, its just like replica of the idea in the nerve of my brain. It include idea like IoT (Internet of Thing) access which is becoming popular in 2016 and would be “hot tech” in the years to come.

The Prototype was firs conducted on a Universal PCB and used external Module for the Relays (Power Management and Speaker Protector), sounds like easy plug and play for the relays,

The initial schematic diagram the prototype above referred to is this hand written schematic, again downloaded from my brains. Wow! Sounds like, this project really has its own originality.

Final Rendering
Here you go guys….. the working unit (intended for Shareware and Courseware). The main board was manufactured in FR4 2-sided PCB, industry standard and the color is blue to match the color of the relay modules.

Design Improvements
Main Board – I updated the main board to support 8051 Programming Programming tutorial.

Relay – In my circle of friends of DIY Amplifier build, the Relay used looks cheap and not powerful enough. This maybe true, as this relay was just picked up from the arrays of Break-Out-Board (BoB) of the Arduino ecosystem. However, it is functioning well and it can handle medium power having a rating of 5Amp/250Vac. It sounds to me that, some of my fellows defy the maxima-minima and it seems that do not practice “design frugality”, but I pretty understood that, having to have a big specification on DIY Amplifier build brought happiness – something that you can boastfully show to fellow DIYe’rs, that make sense? After all, being in DIY means being happy, self-fulfilling and improve self-esteem. And ………. if you add the CALASS in DIY (Collaborate – Access – Learn – Share & Support), that will be awesome! What about EAAF (Easy Affordable Fast & Fun), then that would be perfect!
Well, I listen to criticism and positive comment, and I consider to design 2 Relay boards to address the comment on the Relay for the Speaker Protector.
1. Medium Power Handling Capability with 5Amp / 250Vsac, speaker protect

This aims to cater small to medium Power Amplifier up to 750Watts (5×250 x safety margin of 0.6 = 750W). You may ask where I get the 0.6 safety margin? I set that on my own, that I do not believe “sometimes” the specification that I cannot utilized this device to its maximum under different environment condition, so I put a headroom which I feel safe and can sleep better without worrying. You may insist, how do you get that 0.6? Well, its a long story ……. long enough that until today I am still using it without worrying on the design. Just imagine that you are dating someone (someone you like and love most among others), and you set a budget for 2,000 PHP (peso), to have enough headroom for ice cream, salad, popcorn and Jollibee cheeseburger, you may like to devide 2,000 PHP by 0.6 and you need a 3,333 PHP on your pocket to feel comfortable and not worrying of having short payment. Well, unless you have Wechat Pay IoT payment or credit card, and , that is another story.
The board by the way included its own Power Supply, something that I listen to others comment.
2. Absolutely High Power Handling Capability with 30amp/250Vac (7500W)
This aims to cater High Amplifier up to 4.5KW (30×250 x safety margin of 0.6 = 4500W), in fact generally you can use it to maximum of 7,500W about 1 HP (1 horse power).

ShareWare & CourseWare ?
I have done the field trials by sending few pcs of boards to my known friends who has been supportive to my project.
I do not have benefactors or sponsorfor this project such that, I cannot give it for FREE, like free PCB, Kit or components.
You can build the hardware by yourself, and I can help to provide the MCU loaded with program, in the best course, you can learn to program the 8051 MCU, you can follow my free tutorial in youtube – a simple but effective way to program an 8051 micros. Kindly SUBSCRIBE to support my free tutorial and DIY Amplifier Shareware and Courseware.
Follow the link below to download the Schematic Diagram, Thank you (Salamat Po!)
more videos on how to Learn 8051 Programming
SAMuC Implementation with 1 Chip Amplifier
Completed SAMuC Project managing an unknown 1 Chip Amplifier.