Welcome to AMPduino Project. What I have here is the AMPduino Audio Amplifier Controller Shield (A3CS) , a dedicated plug & play shield for the Arduino Uno form factor dedicated to use in DIY amplifier Build to monitor, detect and control your favorite DIY Amplifier.

The purpose of this shield is to easy plug and play connectors for dedicated sensors like the :
- Temperature and Humidity inside the Amplifier Case
- The KSD01F – 75 degree metal case detector
- The Real-Time-Clock (RTC),
- The TFT LCD / LCM : 20×4 or Nextion HMI
- Speaker Protector Module / Relay Module
- DC or AC Supply (Power Management)
Like the picture below, which makes it lean, tidy and clean PCB board interfacing – – thanks to the idea of 1diyTEAM of 1 deBB (1diy elecronic Building Block), by interfacing small-small module like bricks or Lego, you can come-up with a system an example is the Nathan Winter Kamp Project – a nice sounding a class A Power Amplifier, see picture below.

The moment truth of the AMPduino-A3CS was seen in the Nathan Winter Kamp DIY Power Amplifier – – a nice sounding Class-A Power Amplifier that demonstrate the use of the metal case as heatsink and 80% of its operation is controlled by Arduino, the AMPduino-A3CS shield.

Technical files
- Schematic Diagram (pdf format)
- AMPduino-A3CS Main Circuit (742K bytes)
- AMPduino-A3CS Power Supply (752K bytes)
- AMPduino-A3CS SW1 & LED Interfaced (959K bytes)
- Arduino Sketch Program to enable Simple Hardware : SW1 & LED
- Power On/Off Switch with LED (7.11K bytes)
- Improved Power On/Off Switch with LED (8.13K bytes)
- Enable 5Vdc switch Q1 (11.3K bytes)
- Video Demo
- Arduino Serial Monitor, DHT11 Sensor
- The use of Terminal Monitor for datalog & program flow (10.3K bytes)
- Display DHT11 Temperature & Humidity on the Serial Monitor
- Video Demo
- Relay Interfacing
- Relay to Control 220Vac/60Hz & Speaker Connection
- Video Demo
- Part 2 | Arduino Sketch Program to enable LCD
- 20 x 4 LCD display
- OLED 1.3 display
- Nextion LCD Display
Video Demo / Tutorials
episode01 : AMPduino Project Introduction (D Stuffs youtube video), this is my Introduction while working in the Kingdom of Thailand : AMPduino Project episode#01
Sneak View of the AMPduino-A3CS development (D Stuffs youtube video)
episode#02 : Design the Circuit of the A3CS Module (D Stuffs youtube video) – AMPduino Audio Amplifier Controller Shield : AMPduino Project – episode#02
episode#03 : Standby Mode – Active Mode, SW1 & LED : AMPduino A3CS | episode#03 STANDBY and ACTIVE Mode with Push Button Switch | LED interfacing
Stay tuned for more update on the AMPduino Project.