Enhancing the power of DIY Learning thru Modular design Plug_&_Play and real world realization will definitely boost your experience, like the one I have here

In my favorite hobby – DIY Audio amplifier build, I enhanced the experienced to provide a playground of circuit tailoring right on the PCB using jumpers and options.

What is the Learning Process
For DIYer’s, the first thing is about circuit and topology, but for me it is the
- PCB Design, new idea, shrink design and small form factor
- Plug_&_Play to adapt into other modular board
- Electrical and Functional performance Comparison
- Extended to use in DIY Learning
- adaptation into real life product
I emphasized the DIY learning, since no Institution so far within the reach of my contact (College or University) would like to agree on the idea), well, its complicated, so I just have to do within the DIY hobby and friends around.
J-ProVAmp Series -Voltage Amplifier Front Circuit
1. J-ProVAmp (PNP) – The one shown above is called J-ProVAmp (PNP) – it is called this way because the differential amplifier at the input stage is a PNP type.
2. J-ProVAmp (NPN) – it is called this way because the differential amplifier at the input stage is a NPN type { I want to know the difference between a NPN and PNP differential amplifier, and why most designer used such configuration }
3. J-ProVAmp (OP-Amp) – it is called this way because the differential amplifier at the input stage is an Integrated Circuit – OP-asmp
4. J-ProVAmp (FET) – you can guess now that the differential stage is a FET (Field Effect Transistors).
5. J-ProVAmp (STK) – when used the voltage amplifier IC of STK (Sanyo)
What is “J”? I will give you a clue, I made a video of a concert called “1983”, you can watch it and and there you can find “J”. what is Pro? I prefer the definition “Proactive” being proactive in DIY Learning for my shareware, courseware, CALASS, 1deBB, eaf2, riicha which when summed up, it means, sharing of knowledge in the hobby arena.
Output Stage
J-ProVAmp seires is the input stage, the output stage can be discrete Transistorized type or IC. what I have here is the STK005 II

STK0050II is a Darlington Power Pack (DPP) which contained Output stage of an amplifier packed into one looks-like IC (intregrated Circuit). The above is a working protoype.
The next Output output stage I am doing now is called J-ProDSoS5219 which stands for Discrete Shrink output stage using 2SC5200 and 2SA1943 power output transistors (under design – here is the capture)

ShareWare & Courseware
I prefer to called it this way, rather than an Open Source. The J-ProVAmp series can be realized with you participation. If you have an original design of the front-end Amplifier (or you have the authority to share with 1diySHARE without the obligation to pay royalty fee), you may like to design it based on
- J-ProVAmp form factor and
- interfacing
so it can be plug and play with other modules. I would be glad to manufacture the PCB and see if any available parts in my racks.
Many thanks to Chino Bohol (Philippines) and Danny Eulogio (Seattle-USA) for their initial support for this Educational platform in DIY Audio Amplifier build.
Cheers Everyone!