It sounds that, I need to migrate into another class-d chipset as the NXP/Philips TDA8920BTH, TDA8950TH and TDA8954TH has been EOL (end of life) for years and its becoming difficult to find in the China market. I found the TI TPA325x series where X= 0 (low power, X-1 – middle power and 5 = high power) : TPA3250, TPA3251 and TPA3255. Goodbye NXP Class-D Welcome TPA325x class D 如果您在中国境内,您可能需要访问 YouTube 才能观看视频。 如果您无法观看,给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。 If you are inside China, you may need access to YouTube to watch the video. Apologies for the inconvenience if you cannot watch it.
The Passion to understand this “solution” – hardware + protection + power with full parametric test (electrical performance test).
The Texas Instrument TPA325x series :
- TPA3250 (low power, the young brother)
- TPA3251 (mid power, the middle brother), and
- TPA3255 (high power, the elder brother)
Are the closest family of brothers that I can substitute to the favorite NXP class D chipset.
Advantages :
- Same bloodline
- TDA8920BTH = TPA3250 (low power)
- TDA8950TH = TPA3251 (mid power)
- TDA8954TH = TPA3255 (high power)
- Analog input, almost same protection
- Smaller form factor, high power with BTL configuration
- Single Supply – cheaper SMPS
- Not robust protection, No TFB (Thermal Fold Back)
- Need MCU to use its full protection
- Killing point, hard reset needed without MCU
- Smaller tab, sensitive to temperature
The best class d in my arena of Modules was made by SURE Electronics from China.

The current PCBA or Modules available at (e-commerce in China) shows no interface for MCU for the
For a MCU to control the boards. The added LEDs for some boards as indicator for CLIP_OTW and/or FAULT. Therefore, current moduiles DO NOT COMPATIBLE for what I need for simply migration.
The TPA3255, the TPA3251 and the TPA3250

I started the TPA3251 (middle power) among the range of TPA325x in my series, it is attractive as it is the mid-power for my “personal” (my OWN) application. TPA3251 | Class-D Pure Path Ultra HD Texas Instrument TI Single Chip Class D
TPA3251 | How GOOD this Class D Power Amplifier judge by the Electrical Parametric Test
BEST sounding LIVE Class D TPA3251 | Reimagined Hotel California | DR280 class d power amplifier
Bad class D solution TPA3251| What I learned on the Texas Instrument class d
UPDATED TEST TPA3251 Class D amplifier 144 +144Watts saved money to buy +36Vdc SMPS & 4 Ohms Load
Let me see the TPA3255 (the big brother withthe highest power) if the inherent issues of the TPA3251 was improved. So I get several modules of the TPA3255 with different form factors , I called them Module A,B,C,D,E and F and subjected them into electrical performance test.
BEST LIVE sound quality Class D TPA3255 PCBA Module “A” with Hotel California and Perfect (acoustic guitar).
TPA3255 Ulra HD Audio I do not Like this Module B performance NOT GOOD
Cheap TPA3255 class D Module C Terrible Performance
BEST TPA3255 PCBA type D Module Class D Power Amplifier
This is the least favourite (the younest brother with the lowest power among the series). No one like it because of its low power, but I done the Electrical Performance Test or Parametric Test but I opt not to puiblish it, because no one like it. What I published is its Sound Quality performance, as below.
BEST sounding LIVE Class D TPA3250 (4K) | Long After You’re Gone
End of TPA325X Testing
It took more than 6 months for me to test all the TPA325x series behind my real job at China factories, there were total of 9 Modules.
I learned a lot in those electrical Performance Test and my TPA325x FINALE (is about to published soon) will summarized and recap all the ins and out of the TPA325x as compared to the TDA89x0B/TH from NXP/Philips.
Sharing the Electrical Performance via Remote Control
I invited everyone to join me in my Electrical Performace Test, but it seems no one like it until dead line end of October 2023, as I am moving again into another factory to assess. I will take time for me to setup once again.
Class D TPA3255 Module D Bench Test REMOTELY (Do It together DIT) using TeamViewer
Sharing of TPA325x Boards for FREE
I have many boards, and I want to share those to my fellows who are interested, but it seems no one relaly like it, until my wife sold them for a 50% price at the 2nd hand market in Shenzhen, China, ho ho ho!

LET iT go! FREE class d TPA3255 power amplifier | Módulos amplificadores gratuitos
FINALE – the migration recap & summary!
Please comback soon – video in the making, apologies for the handicap.
Class D Adventure with the NXP Chipset
This channel was made specially for the DR100W concept power amplifier project, we – as a group design the circuit, the modular boards and wrote its own firmware and WE ARE PROUD of it, so we are SHARING the adventure thru this Channel, its Fun, Easy to learn, Fast to Learn and Affordable to implement.
DR100W Concept Project – the DIY Learning of Class D Amplifier & MCU Programming