Welcome to CLASs-A Power Amplifier. The Michelle TACA is based on the Analog Heart of the ACA and the digital brain by AMPduino-A3CS.

The analog Heart circuit was originally design by Nelson Pass, the ACA or Camp Amp Camp. The digital brain was concept by F. Dandy baded on the engine of AMPduino project with the A3CS Shield.
The Challenge in Class-A is to dissipate heat generated by the Amplifier (the analog heart), since it heat up tremedously. The AMPduino-A3CS (digital brain) will monitor this heat, make a logic decision and turn on the exhaust fan slower or faster, make a decision to alert the user it is overheating or even to shutdown the Michelle TACA Amplifier to avoid damage.

Making a better Front Panel
This project aims to demonstrate AMPduino Project, to make a better HMI (Human Machine Interfae) on the front panel of our power Amplifier. I originally concept to add a 2.4 touch screen LCD display, but then, I realized that, making a hole for the 2.4 LCD didplay is super huge work, then I realized to use a VU meter instead — and th rest is history.

A demo of a fully Focus Project
There i no magic here! This is a truly DIY project.

You must have a Personal Amplifier
Over the couse of 35 years, I learned that Music is an “anti-strass” formula, and being a DIYer’d, it is improtant to hae a personal amplifier, I called that myMUSICmate.
I have 4 in my arena :
- The Nathan Winter KAmp – Class A
- Headphone with ANC, and
- AMPduino-myMUSICmate, and
- Michelle TACA – class A
Do you like to have one?
Let me know ont eh comment below. Youc an always get in touch with me on my email : danztherock@hotmail.com
Have a nice day!