Almost everybody knows about Paris, France because of its iconic Eiffel Tower, a remarkable icon that has been replicated around the world from Las Vegas USA, to Shenzhen China Windows of the World.

Paris history was dated back to the 3rd Century BC (Before Christ), it’s a long history from the time of the Roman empire, Christianity, the Viking, the conflict of war to the English, French Revolution, Napoleon exile …….. cut it short, it has its long history that it worth to visit and what makes me keep going to France is its architectural beauty, as I am passionate to the architectural structure built in the remote past, Notre Dame, La Concord, Louvre Rivoli and many more.
Notre Dame
Notre Dame de Paris, meaning “Our Lady of PAris” is a medieval Catholic Cathedral dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the finest French gothic Architecture in the 1160. There was a history that before the arrival of the Christianity in France, a Gallo-Roman temple dedicated to the Jupiter stood on the site, there has been several re-modling of the church until Bishop Maurice de Sully built a much larger church, now known to be the Notre Dame.

Louvre Rivoli
One of the famous structure in the Louvre Rivoli is the Pyramid made of glass which an icon of that place, but around it its a stunning architecture that probably you can only see in Paris.

It is in this place I took the introduction of my Tutorial Video for hardware and software programming as during that time we are traveling to Paris.
Other Place in Paris
On a 36 hours stay in France before going to Nederland, we to hopping from place to place, its an amazing beauty left and right, you got to be there to see the atmosphere, the real beauty as seen by the naked eyes and feeling of being there.

Video Made in Paris
This video was made nearby the Louvre Rivoli, its about Hardware and software programming Introduction : Why need to Learn MCU Programming | 8051 | Arduino | Fun with IoT Basics [Paris}, I supposed to make a Travel videos but then, all in my mind was to create a content for my hobby sharing hardware design and how to enable the hardware using software, both the Intle 8051 MCU and the ATmega328P by Atmel used in Arduino Uno. Well, if you go the passion let it go.
Here I am discussing the high speed 8051 on top of the hotel in Paris, that sound crazy but…………. let it go!

Here is another video made just beside the Eiffel Tower talking about Wechat Pay – the popular QR code and cashless payment in China, as, at that time, we were short of cash and my credit card and bank card seems not working in Paris.
There’s a lot to tell about Paris, and I packed them, ZIP it rather in a 10 minutes video that until today I haven’t finally render it. I hope to release it to see further the video of Paris in a live video. For the time being, see my other Travel Video adventure in my youtube Channel : Wonderful China and Around the World.
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