Hi everyone – kumusta ba tayo diyan (how’s everybody doing?). Thank you all for your support on my YouTube Channel! I am not a BIG YOUTUBER, so don’t waste your time if you are looking one. But you can help me to reach the goal to be a better Youtuber by watching, sharing, likes, comment and subscription would be a great appreciation. Salamat Po (thank you).
YOUTUBE – work-life-journey
My Youtube Channel is my “limited” creation being a content creator where I filmed – capturing Life special moment, Edit to my Liking as content creator and Published at YouTube. Apologies for my friends (in China) who cannot see my YouTube Channel. see the Playlist Guide, go directly to the work-life-journey Channel.

YOUTUBE – Audio Amplifier Tutorial
My passion is in designing my own Audio Gadgets – Power Amplifer, Tone Control – Music Interface combining analog and digital stuff. I am sharing my DIY Audio for FREE, Go and see, LET’S GO to YouTUBE.

My WeiXin Channel is a mix – mix of my Work – Life – Journey + Hobbies – Hiking and Travels. Using Wechat, scan the channel QR code, FOLLOW ME also, Xie Xie!

I cannot manage it well as Facebook is also forbidden to access inside China from my job-site. I keep posting whenever I have the access, Would you Like to see it? LET’S GO !

thank you for dropping by – visit me next time, Cheers!